Newly launched ZFI (Zimbabwe Fashion International) , organisers behind Zim  Fashion   Week recently launched their new fashion offering , FDO (Fashion’s Day Out). FDDO  took place on the  1st March at the charming  Queen of hearts.


     Fashion Runway at FDO

FDO hype all started with ZiFM djs/presenters and  newsreaders being styled and dressed by local designers a few days before the launch of FDO. Thereafter fans and audiences could vote online for their favourite looks. It was quite exciting to see local radio personalities strutting these locally made garments.  We are curious to know who will win.

1st of  March arrived and it started off with some clouds and rain. While it rained  earlier in the day, the  afternoon cleared up and allowed for some sunshine which provided the perfect setting for the FDO .The event included some  local fashion stores which included everything from jewellery to handbags. The fashion event made smart  use of the green lawns of Queen of hearts and the captivating  indoor design made it visually intriguing.

Music was  provided by Mamoyo music who brought a relaxing afro jazz feel to the  afternoon and fashion.  The event  allowed for some fantastic mingling , personal interaction  with designers and  fashion movers and shakers. Some  of my personal favourites were the jewellery pieces on show by TIR  Fashion House  especially their bold  red collection  piece  #stunning.  Kim from House of Kiki showcased some fantastic personalised clutches that  made use of African print and several other prints in fresh and unique ways.

The day also featured the chic , “Fashion Kanteen” introduced  by ZFI  to provide sophisticated treats. I did not try the delicious canteen treats but hope to have  more  halaal offerings.  Queen of  Hearts also had some tasty treats, I personally enjoyed their gelato and wafer cones. I even broke fashion rule number  one and got involved with some tasty and  messy treats.  I absolutely loved FDO’s  Instagram  cut out  board which made for fantastic photo ops with the girls.


Besides the delicious treats. The event also included  2 brief outdoor fashion shows which showcased local bags and designers’ collections. Runway  shows are  always exciting. It will be an interesting space   to see how ZFI come  up with creative ways to keep the FDO  hot and happening. Definitely looking forward to seeing celebrities feature at the FDO runway showcases,  more fierce models, more local  fashion curators and musicians. It definitely started off well and I’m sure the numbers will grow of the fashionable attendees.

The day was stylish  and so were the guest in attendance , some of my  personal  favourite looks were the stylish  Marshall from  Edgars, Mbo and Gilmore tee, Znzorzi  in all white, Craig with his urban swag, tich and kay brought some vintage and modern swag. Curious to see who will be wearing what and who at the next FDO.  Be sure to watch this space for the next details of the April FDO