Wine, fashion , art , music and food is the best way to start your weekend in the heart of Harare!The first edition of ” Wine and Everything Else” of 2020 took place at the National Art Gallery and was certainly a true lifestyle experience for the individual looking for a premiere and unique offering!

Look by Tapfumanei Munenge
Presented by The Movement, the intimate evening had premiere wines by Elixir Wines, delicious canapes by Artisana and music by The Movement. The venue for this edition was the renowned National Art Gallery which was complimented by the cosy and warm lighting. Surrounded by art and Harare city life, the evening was certainly a sweet offering for the appreciator with a palette for the finer things.
The fashion showcase by Zanorashe was the perfect end to the night! With the models taking to the runway to model Zanorashe’s latest work complemented by the backdrop of the Harare CBD. Sophistication and style at its best.
I look forward to more exciting Lifestyle events in and out of Zimbabwe! Enjoy the below video highlights
Video Highlights